Andrei Kägo was sent by Youth Club Active organization as a volunteer to EVS project in France.
Project title: 2014-2-DE04-KA105-000984
Title: Accueils collectifs de volontaires européens dans l’Aube
Dates: 01.10.2014 - 30.08.2015. (11 month)
Hosting organization: Fédération Départementale des MJC-MPT de l’Aube (coordinating).
Address: 18 Rue Maugout, 10120 St André les Vergers, France
Name of the volunteer: Andrei Kago
Project description:
- Discovery of activities and functioning of a French association.
- Discovery of the publics of the structure of reception.
- Participation in the installation of cultural events (music and dance): meetings of preparation, logistics, reception of the artists, valuation, …
- Participation in the communication of our cultural events via new technologies.
- Participation in the actions of sensitization on Europe and European Culture (meetings, exchanges).
- Sensitize a group of young persons to participate in the departmental collective batucada.
Project title: 2014-2-DE04-KA105-000984
Title: Accueils collectifs de volontaires européens dans l’Aube
Dates: 01.10.2014 - 30.08.2015. (11 month)
Hosting organization: Fédération Départementale des MJC-MPT de l’Aube (coordinating).
Address: 18 Rue Maugout, 10120 St André les Vergers, France
Name of the volunteer: Andrei Kago
Project description:
- Discovery of activities and functioning of a French association.
- Discovery of the publics of the structure of reception.
- Participation in the installation of cultural events (music and dance): meetings of preparation, logistics, reception of the artists, valuation, …
- Participation in the communication of our cultural events via new technologies.
- Participation in the actions of sensitization on Europe and European Culture (meetings, exchanges).
- Sensitize a group of young persons to participate in the departmental collective batucada.