[ENG]As part of the European Solidarity Corps program, the initiative group of the Volunteer Club Active wrote the project From Youth To Youth. The main goal of the project was to help Ukrainian youth adapt to Estonia by creating an information portal to inform them about various youth opportunities and events taking place in Tallinn and Estonia.
Several steps were taken to create this infoproduct:
- 23 сентября прошла первая трехдневная выездная встреча участников на базу Таммиспеа, где участники познакомились, определились с форматом и площадкой инфопортала, а также создали рубрики распределились на команды по рубрикам телеграм-канала: культура, образование/карьера, путеводитель, молодежные возможности и досуг/ивенты.
- Weekly content team meetings for the channel with a mentor.
- Monthly general meetings of all members in the Active for shaping and planning next month’s content.
- Team activities: “Board Game Evening – Dixit”, “Excursion to Tallinn University”, “Ticket to Old Town”, “Cultural Quiz” and “Excursion to Tallinn Technical University”.
Thus, for 5 months of the channel’s existence, more than 60 posts (5 posts per week) were published, 5 contact events were held, and at the moment the channel has 172 subscribers.
All stages of the project and meetings are covered
here.On February 4, a final meeting of participants was held, the purpose of which was to summarize the entire project period from September to February and to complete all processes. In addition to summarizing the results, the participants gave feedback on the entire project, as well as on further channeling. The formal part of the meeting ended with thanking each other and presenting youth passports, and after, all participants went to celebrate the end of the project in the trampoline center.
Despite the fact that the project is over, our telegram channel continues to work together with the initiative group of guys!
Link to the Telegram Channel: